Will you be one of the 100? In this climate of uncertainty in the work force, it is time for women as well as men to take their future in their own hands and look at becoming an Entrepreneur. We are not saying, walk into your job tomorrow and give your two week notice, but we are saying there is a way for you to do what you are currently doing and begin your journey into life as an Entrepreneur. BlackWomenStandUp.com wants to help 100 women earn extra income and work towards their financial freedom by taking the #EntrepreneurialLeap and become an Entrepreneur through an industry that has allowed countless individuals to become business owners, and to create a life they may have never imagined.
The #EntrepreneurialLeap is for women who are interested in starting a business but not sure what kind or how to, women who are looking for a career change or in transition, women who are of a particular age and having a hard time finding employment, women who know that the Entrepreneur lifestyle is for them but have no idea on a business concept, women who are looking for a network of support and the right mentor, women who are fed up with their current job or situation, or you are the woman who have been letting fear stop you in your tracks and can’t seem to move forward. If this is YOU, then we want to work with you, and are committed to creating a clear road-map to assist in your success. But it all starts with a DECISION…
Here is the link where you can find out more information to make an informed decision on if this is something that you truly want, and are willing to make the commitment, the leap for and towards your freedom.
Remember, everything you do in life you are taking a chance, so why not take a chance on you! If you make the decision to win, email BlackWomenStandUp@gmail.com with #EntrepreneurialLeap in the subject line.
Peace, Love and to your Success:)
#BWSU #EntrepreneurialLeap