Happy Wednesday! Meet our first Black Women Stand Up (BWSU)’s Goddess Spotlight, Dr. Doris Bloom-Higginbottom whom we affectionately nicknamed Dr. Mom. Check out BWSU’s video interview with Dr. Mom which took place Saturday, January 9, 2016 live on http://Blab.im. Below is part one of our three-part interview.
Dr. Mom, mother of nine who was a teen mom, high-school dropout and widowed, defied all odds and let nothing stand in her way as she worked to create a better life for her and her family. In December of 2014 at 67 years of age, Doris Bloom-Higginbottom graduated with her PhD from PVAMU a Texas University.
Video Interview
Dr. Mom’s daughter, Kimberly Bloom, had this to say about her Mom “This woman is my living hero, my game changer, a conqueror, and a warrior who won’t give up on hers’!” Pictured below, Kim and Dr. Mom
Graduation Day – It’s a Family Affair…
Visit our Feature Page here: http://blackwomenstandup.com/business-feature/ to learn more about our Goddess Spotlight Feature, and to find out how you can nominate someone who you think needs to be in the spotlight!
Peace and Love,
BWSU Family:)
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